The post-production phase of Artificial Nightmare was an intense yet rewarding journey. With a dedicated team and clear vision, we successfully transformed conc...
Production has been going well. We are making decent progress towards our end goal. I am currently working on implementing enemy vision cones so that they can s...
Our project has been progressing quite smoothly since the pre-production phase. We have come back from a very bumpy start. This past week and a bit, I have work...
As a team we started off by reviewing a bunch of our previous work and making sure we have a clear goal going forward. Unfortunately we are having to work aroun...
The work we have done so far will help me prepare for next semester because we are getting the prototyping out of the way early. Our goal is to see what we can...
Last week I had the opportunity to pitch my game ARTIFICIAL NIGHTMARE to the professor and the class. During my short time slot, I went over the narrative, hook...
Welcome to my first Devlog! My research is focused on how the rapid advancement of AI technology is contributing to the development and enhancement of video gam...